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Chronic pain is, by definition, pain that has lasted for 3 months or more. It includes complaints such as low back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia; and abdominal pain. Since these conditions are long-lasting, effective pain management is important.
Unfortunately, chronic pain is poorly understood by most clinicians and patients which leads to prolonged and unnecessary suffering. Medications and procedures rarely produce cure but these are all that are on offer in a system which is not designed to treat this type of problem effectively.
Dr Amer Sheikh is an expert in the management of chronic pain. He has a Masters degree in Pain Management and designed the current award-winning musculoskeletal pain service in North-West Surrey, Surrey iMSK, which serves the 360,000 population of the region. Dr Sheikh co-wrote the chronic and musculoskeletal pain course for a leading medical education company, Red Whale, and is the current President of the British Medical Acupuncture Society. He specialises in a holistic approach to treating chronic and musculoskeletal pain by integrating conventional and complimentary methods of treatment.
Healthcare and other organisations should contact Dr Sheikh by email to book consultations and speaking engagements.
AIS Health Ltd
Registered Office:
Tricorne Stables
15A Sandy Lane
RG41 4DD
Companies House
Registration No. 09835294
Connect with Dr Amer Sheikh