Nowadays, we’re all on lockdown. Maybe this will last another 2 weeks if we’re lucky.
Howver, if you have possible COVID-19 symptoms, your stay at home has to be even more restricted.
What does this mean in practice?
Ideally, you should:
– sleep alone
– don’t share a bed, toothbrush, crockery, towels or food
– stay in one room – this should be one that others do not go as much as possible. If you need to use other rooms, then used them when others are not there.
– if possible, use a separate bathroom. If this is not possible, then the ill person should clean the bathroom after each use.
– if possible, have meals brought to your room rather than preparing it yourself in a shared space.
– all people in the household should be regularly washing their hands.
Returning to normal activity after COVID-19
– people with symptoms should self-isolate for 7 days. They can return to normal activities if they are well after this period.
– everyone else in the household should isolate for 14 days to stop virus spread.
– any member of the household who does NOT develop symptoms can return to normal activities again after 14 days isolation. This is 14 days from the first day of the ill person’s symptoms. You do not have to keep restarting the 14 day clock each time a person gets sick.
Remember that ill people are likely to cough for some weeks: they can return to normal even if they are still coughing.
For those people who have tested positive for COVID-19 or been admitted, they will be given specific advice on discharge.
Stay well.